
Alliance 是一家快速發展的高科技公司,專注於半導體製造業的工程解決方案、設備設計、保養維護以及物料零件供應。我們擁有累積豐富的產業經驗,並由一群具有高度工作熱忱的工作伙伴組成。現在,我們正在尋找有熱情、願意在這個充滿挑戰的環境中脫穎而出的您。我們眾多經驗豐富的同事曾幫助公司贏得了客戶的各種獎項和讚譽,您將有機會與他們一起工作。

Alliance is a fast-growing high-tech company specializing in engineering solutions, equipment design and maintenance, as well as material and parts supply chain to the semiconductor manufacturing industry.  We are looking for young professionals with a passion to excel in this challenging environment.  You will work alongside with our large number of experienced colleagues who have helped the Company winning various awards and compliments from our customers.

Join Us!
